
Process Philosophy
and Modern Physics


Yutaka Tanaka


  1. Reality Indivisible -- Quantum Physics and the Philosophy of Organism:
  2. The Big-Bang Cosmology and Process Metaphysics

1. Reality Indivisible--- Quantum Physics and the Philosophy of Organism

The peculiarity of quantum correlation at a distance is caused by the so-called "the collapse of the wave function". One of the unsolved problems of quantum mechanics is about the nature of this discontinuous phenomenon. The usual framework of quantum theory does not describe the process of collapse itself but simply accepted it as the result measurement in the statistical data of observation. In other words the collapse of the wave function belongs, not to the object-language of quantum formulae, but the meta-language of quantum mechanics which correlates mathematical formula and experimental data. Many physicists tried to enlarge the framework of quantum mechanics enough to give a unified description of observer and observed, i.e. microscopic measured system and the macroscopic measuring apparatus, but there seems not to be an unanimous resolution of this conundrum. d'Eespagnat pointed out the enigma of the "collapse of the wave function" as follows : (1)

The puzzle with which we have to struggle is constituted by the fact that, since the wave function is a non-local entity, its collapse is a non-local phenomenon. According to the formalism, this phenomenon propagates instantaneously. In that sense we may say that the wave packet reduction is a non-covariant process. Again, this would create no difficulty if, like the reduction of probabilities in classical phenomena, this collapse were of a purely subjective nature. But we have seen quite strong arguments in favor of the thesis that it is not.

d'Espagnat's comment that the wave collapse is not to be solved by a subjective interpretation of probability is important, for it excludes an easy "solution" of the conundrum by appealing to our ignorance of initial conditions. Certainly, if we get a new information about the system, then the probability distribution of quantities which characterize the system changes discontinuously. The discontinuous change of quantum physics cannot be explained away by this kind of probabilistic arguments. Such general arguments are unsatisfactory because they do not take into consideration the peculiar characteristics of quantum mechanical algorithm of probability. The probability wave and the probability amplitude represented by a complex number were totally unknown before quantum physics. They behave in the very inconceivable way as if they violated classical logic.

For example, the famous double slit experiment shows that even in the case of only one particle, say a photon, the interference occurs between two mutually exclusive possibilities i.e. the possibility of the same particle's going through one slit A and the alternative possibility of its going through another slit B. So if we represent the third event, say the effect of the photon on the photographic plate with C, then 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image25.gifhas been experimentally confirmed, which violates the distributive law of classical logic.

Finkelstein stresses the need of quantum logic as a non-Aristotelian logic in the description of the microscopic world just as we need a non-Euclidean geometry in the theory of general relativity.(2) I prefer to say that if we need something like quantum logic, then it must be supplemented with a modal analysis with the distinction of real (objective) possibility and actuality. In the above example of the double slit experiment, 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image26.gifdescribes not an actuality but a real possibility whereas both説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image27.gif and 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image28.gifdescribe two actualities which are mutually exclusive. In the Whiteheadian terminology, the transition from the disjunctive many to the conjunctive one does not follow classical logic because the interference of alternative possibilities really occurs.

This phenomenon of probability interference shows that we have to face objective probability reflecting the experimental situation rather than subjective one reflecting only our ignorance of the determinate fact. In other words real possibility and actuality are inseparable with each other in quantum physics, and we must treat the collapse of the wave function as the objective transition from real possibility to actuality.

The next Problem is about the quantum transition itself. If the collapse of wave function is an objective phenomenon, then is it "an action at a distance" i.e. a non-covariant phenomenon which happens instantaneously This problem is crucial to our consideration of the Bell correlation and the theory of relativity. In the section II we confirmed the fact that quantum correlation and the principle of relativity are compatible, and we need not explain quantum correlation as the unilateral causal effect with the superluminous speed. Einstein's theory of relativity was more progressive than Lorentz's theory of aether in that Einstein introduced into physics a radically new perspective in which space and time are non-separable with each other.

It is regrettable that many discussions of physicists about the collapse of the wave function presuppose only non-relativistic framework. The "simultaneous" correlation would be meaningless in the relativistic framework, because such a terminology implicitly assumes that there exists only one time-system of classical physics. The non-relativistic quantum physics does not treat space and time in their non-separable unity. Time appears only in the form of a parameter and does not take the role of operator corresponding to an observable quantity whereas spatial coordinates are permitted status of operators which characterize the quantum system. So if we describe the collapse of the wave function in the non-relativistic framework, we must say that it happens instantaneously, i.e. non-locally with respect to space.

The dubious scenario roughly runs as follows : if the quantum system prepared at the time t1 is measured at t2 , it changes its states continuously and causally between t1< t < t2 according to Schroedinger's equation, but at the moment of t2 the discontinuous irreversible event called "the collapse of the wave function" happens and its effects propagates instantaneously with the super-luminous speed. The above picture is not relevant to the relativistic concept of space-time, because the very concept of simultaneity and instantaneous transmission does not make sense. The non-separability of time from space means that non-locality of the collapse should be accepted, not only with respect to space but also with respect to time. The reason why temporal non-locality, more exactly spatio-temporal non-locality has been ignored may be simply that the collapse of the wave function has been discussed mainly in the non-relativistic framework. Einstein himself seemed to anticipate the problematic of spatio-temporal non-locality in his criticism of the indeterminacy principle, for he pointed out that "if we accept quantum physics, then it becomes impossible to restrict the indeterminacy principle to the future ; we must admit the indeterminacy of the past as well."(3)

This criticism was not so famous as the EPR argument, but it is of decisive importance when we discuss the collapse of the wave function as a non-local phenomenon in space-time.

An example of the indeterminate past was given by Wheeler in his famous discussion of the "delayed choice" experiment.(4) We may use the same diagram to explain this experiment.

説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/img00010.gif

In this diagram we assume that the present choice is made at A3. The experimenter at A3 can choose for one photon either the mode of non-interference or the mode of self-interference even after the photon has passed through Al or A2. In this experiment, whether the photon has passed through 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image30.gif(either Al or A2) as a particle, or through 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image31.gif(both A1 and A2) as a wave depends on the present choice made at A3. Before the decision at A3 the location of the particle was essentially indeterminate. What we can say of past space-time and past events is decided by choices made in the near past and now. Wheeler discussed the possibility that the phenomena called into being by the present decision can reach backward in time, even to the earliest days of the universe. The above example shows that it makes sense to state that events occur in the four dimensional framework of space-time. This occurrence itself does not take place in time as the fourth coordinate of space-time.

In Einstein's theory of relativity the concept of events is static in the sense that an event simply is and occupies a determinate location without any regard to other regions of space-time sub specie aeternitatis. In the quantum indeterminism, on the other hand, the modified concept of events is dynamic in the sense that an event happens in the extensive continuum of space-time. We need not postulate, as Stapp did, that all events of the whole universe constitute the well-ordered sequence with respect to this kind of happening in space-time, because it would make geneses of events subordinate to space-time coordination to make becoming of events the fifth coordinate. The delayed choice experiment cannot be explained away by the introduction of anything like absolute time-order because any theory compatible with relativity must retain the order of causality within a light cone.

We cannot call the delayed-choice "retroactive causality" because it does not make sense to say that we can "change" the past if we mean by the past something determinate ; rather we should say that the past in the level of quantum description cannot be considered as totally determinate. The following analysis of quantum correlation is similar to that of Whitehead's analysis of "symbolic reference" though Whitehead seems to use this term to explicate the structure of perception only in the high-grade organisms such as a human being. As the wave function is an essentially non-local relational entity, the world itself has the structure of symbolism as well as that of causality.

The main difference of the proposed model from the Whiteheadian ontology is that this model does not take a single quantum event as the totally determinate individual. The specificity of any attribute of the quantum event is, as Shimony clearly showed,(26) always attained at the price of indefiniteness of other attributes on account of the indeterminacy principle. Every event is complementarily described as an entity with respect its actuality, and as a locus with respect to its potentiality. An event is a spatio-temporal entity, and a material body corresponds to the nexus of events (world-tube) which has various characteristics such as energy, momentum, and other observable physica quantities. It is essential in this organic model that observables are adjectives of event-nexus with alternative selective patterns of perspectives.

Two "elementary particles of the same kind are not two separate substances, but the same adjective which can have two contexts of actualization in different events. The fundamental relation of events is called "self-projection". This term is introduced for the purpose of explaining both objective and subjective aspects which necessarily emerge in quantum organism, but it should not be understood in psychological sense in which the self-projection of an observer has no objective correlate. The self-projection which I mean is a physical relation between events and signifies the organic unity between the observer and the observed. We cannot observe microscopic events without their self-projections in the macroscopic measuring apparatus. What we observe, however, is not a mere shadow of the separate self-existing substance, but in one sense a thing itself because every thing can exist only in the complex network of self-projections of events. What we observe depends on our choice of measuring apparatus which reciprocally projects itself in the microscopic events by influencing the possible pattern of actualized contingency.

First I will sketch the formal structure of self-projection ; a, b, c, signify events which, as loci, "mirror" the universe according to their own perspectives, and as entities, project themselves in every loci in the universe. There are two modes of self-projection : causal efficacy and presentational immanence.

a < b : a projects itself into b in the mode of causal efficacy

説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image32.gif: a projects itself into b in the mode of mutual immanence

The mode of causal efficacy is cumulative ; it is non-reflexive, non-symmetrical and transitive :

(1) 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image33.gif

(2) 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image34.gif
(3)説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image35.gif

The mode of mutual immanence is reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive ;
説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image36.gif

(5)説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image37.gif

(6)説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image38.gif

Let d signify classes of events. We can define the relativistic concept of the past, the future, and the contemporaries of an given event in terms of the self-projection in the mode of causal efficacy :

Def. P(a)={x | x<a}

P(a) is called the (causal) past of a

Def. F(a)={x | a<x}

F(a) is called the (causal) future of a

Def. 説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image39.gif

a is contemporaneous with b


As the relation of contemporaneity is not always transitive, the existence of the uniquely-defined present of a given event is not guaranteed by the theory of relativity. We can introduce something like a cosmological "present" in terms of a maximum class of mutually contemporary events instead

Def. If a class d of events satisfies the following conditions, it is called a contemporary duration of the universe :

(1)説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image40.gif

(2)説明: http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/process/society/tetugaku/new/image41.gif

The relativity of simultaneity means that there are an infinite number of possibilities for a contemporary duration of the universe. As the arrow of local causality always passes from the past to the future in every frame of reference, it cannot explain the quantum correlation of the Bell experiment which holds between two contemporaries. The contemporaneity as defined above is essentially a negative (derivative) relation and also irrelevant to the explanation of positive correlation in quantum physics. The experimental test of Bell's theorem requires something positive to cover such a correlation. Self-projection in the mode of mutual immanence is introduced to satisfy this requirement. This mode should be non-causal in the sense that it does not pass immediately from the past to the future, but signifies a kind of mutual interpenetration among events in terms of which a composite system behaves as if it were one individual. Causal efficacy ranges from causal immanence to causal influence.

Causal immanence holds between two temporally separated events in the isolated microscopic system with a small number of degrees of freedom, when the causal influences from the outside are negligible. The relation of causal immanence is the basis of a deterministic description of the microscopic system before its interaction with the measuring apparatus.

The causal efficacy from the macroscopic system with a great number of degrees of freedom is called causal influence. It is practically impossible to give a deterministic description of the system on the basis of the exact control of causal influences, which only permit statistical treatment of complex thermo-dynamical processes with an increasing entropy. The irreversible process of quantum measurement, however, cannot be identified with the entropy-increasing process of thermodynamics, as Wigner showed in his argument against Daneri-Loinger-Prosperi's theory of measurement.(5) When a and b project themselves into each other in the mode of mutual immanence, they behave as if they were one individual on account of mutual immanence (the non-separability of quantum events). Even when the two loci of a and b are spatially separated, these two loci as potentialities have an internal relation with each other with regard to certain characteristics (e.g. polarization or spin).

The mutual immanence disappears when the system is causally influenced from the outside system. The collapse of the wave function of a composite system may give a distant simultaneous correlation when self-projections between contemporary parts of the system pass from the mode of mutual immanence to that of mutual transcendence (the disappearance of the term of phase interference between them). Every event is organically related with the whole universe by symbolic correlation which integrates the two modes of self-projection. The distant correlation h quantum physics holds between two contingent events with the same causal past immanent in both. This correlation does not mean the superluminous sending of information in terms of causality. but signifies the relation of mutually self projecting events which constitute the organic system. This system integrates two different modes of self-projection in the presented duration defined by the measuring apparatus. The whole setting of the measuring apparatus determines the kind o simultaneous correlation which holds between contingent patterns of physical value, measured in both parts. Each of two events with the same immanent causal past can be seen as the symbol of the other as if they were two sides of the same coin.


2. The Big-Bang Cosmology and Process Metaphysics


Relativistic quantum cosmology is one of the most controversial frontiers of modern physics. The discovery of astronomical vestiges of the Big-Bang in the 1960s has made it possible for physicists to tackle metaphysical problems concerning the origin and the destiny of our universe. (6) In the Western Middle Ages, God's creation of heaven and earth in seven days was a topic of great importance amongst Christian theologians. Today, it is the physicist Steven Weinberg's story of "the First Three Minutes" after the Big Bang about eighteen billion years ago which engages the minds of those concerned with the origin of the universe. (7) Some physicists, unsatisfied with merely describing the universe after the Big Bang, boldly set about resolving the Big-Bang-singularity itself. The dogma of creatio ex nihilo, which was considered as one of the incomprehensible mysteries in Christianity, i s now discussed by physicists as a genuine theoretical possibility. (8) Leibniz summed up the fundamental problems of metaphysics in the question: "why are there beings rather than nothing at all?"

His answer was based on the principle of sufficient reason, which ultimately appealed to God as the First Cause.( 9 ) Heidegger restated the above question with capitalized "Nichts", and criticized onto-theology for its explication of Being. (10) Metaphysics is not sufficient for the solution of the problematik of Being because the "root" of beings is not a being at all. We find an analogous situation in the realm of natural science today in the search of the ultimate ground of being.

As quantum physics does not permit the unlimited use of the principle of sufficient reason, the creation of the universe from nothingness, which has been formulated as a fluctuation of the vacuum , might well be considered as a mere contingency i n the sense suggested by Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty. Such a conception of nothingness seems necessarily to result in a kind of paradox because it explicitly contradicts one of the most fundamental principles of ontology: that nothing comes out of nothing, or everything comes out of something. I would like to discuss two interrelated problems which have some bearing on the transcendental dialectics of Kant's First Critique, and then to put forward the paradox of the Big Bang cosmology; why are there beings rather than nothing at all?

The first problem to be considered concerns the "decidability" of the cosmological problems; is it possible for us to determine, empirically or speculatively, whether the whole universe is finite or infinite in space and in time ? As the universe qua the spatio- temporal totality of beings necessarily includes ourselves who ask the cosmological question, we cannot observe it from the outside in relation to space and time. Only able to inquire into the universe from the inside, we cannot in principle stipulate the spatio-temporal boundary conditions of the universe. How, then, can we apply the fundamental laws of physics to the whole universe without knowing its boundary conditions? And even if we can do without necessary boundary conditions on the purely theoretical level, how can the Big Bang cosmology claim empirical certainty concerning the origin of the universe when, according to the accepted theory, we human beings, are only the latest products of the expanding universe?

The second problem to be considered concerns the modern version of the cosmological arguments for a God who imposes order on the universe; how has the universe achieved its organization in its history since the Big Bang? The second law of thermodynamics tells us that any closed system cannot evolve from chaos to order. If there is any system evolving from chaos to order, it must be open, and therefore capable of admitting new "information" through its interaction with the outside environment.

Therefore, if we admit the creative evolution from the simple to the complex material structures of the universe, we would have to characterize the whole universe as an open system. But what is it to which the universe open? If it is something, then it must be included in the universe. On the other hand, if the universe is a self-sufficient closed system, how can we explain the creative evolution from the Big Bang to the present universe---a process which includes the creation of human beings who can ask the being of the universe?

One may think that the impossibility of resolving the above cosmological problems had been established by Kant's First Critique. Certainly, Kant's stated intention was to prove that the a priori use of pure reason cannot determine whether the universe is finite or infinite because of the antinomy which that endevour necessarily involved. I would like to stress, however, that the problem is more complex for us than it was for Kant. Due to the scientific revolution caused by the theory of relativity and quantum physics, Kant's cosmological arguments can no longer be acceptable without suitable modifications. Kant was able to assume the universal validity of Euclidean geometry and Newtonian physics as quid facti, and to ask the quid juris question concerning the possibility of such knowledge a priori. Thanks to Einstein, though, we have come to believe that both Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry are not universally valid, and that their validity should therefore be claimed only as a posteriori knowledge. Moreover, the status of the fundamental laws of physics which Kant considered as synthetic a priori has been drastically changed; for example, the conservative law of matter has been unified with that of energy, and the law of causal change has been reformulated in terms of probability theories. Kant's arguments of transcendental analytics proved to be insufficient for the explanation of the problems of modern physics . This means that while Kant's laying of the foundation of empirical science in judgments synthetic a priori has become dubious, physicists today are beginning to consider cosmological problems that Kant rejected as unanswerable on purely rational grounds a priori in his arguments dealing with transcendental dialectics.

The finite-versus-infinite antinomy of the universe was resolved by Einstein in his 1917 paper, "Cosmological Considerations on the General Theory of Relativity". (11) In this celebrated paper, Einstein set out to resolve the paradoxical problem of how to describe the whole universe including ourselves from the inside---that is, how to apply the differential laws of relativity physics to the whole universe, and how to integrate them without the arbitrary specification of its boundary conditions. Einstein has shown that this paradox of impossible e boundary conditions can be resolved if our universe proves to be a non-Euclidean, Riemannian space with a positive curvature on empirical grounds a posteriori. In this case, our universe is t o be described as a spatially finite universe with no boundaries, and the condition of having no boundaries would serve as a boundary condition for the application of the universal laws of physics to the universe. Einstein's predilection with the eternity of the universe led him to introduce the "cosmological constant" in order to make his model of the universe temporally stable. In 1922 Einstein's static cosmology was modified by Freedmann in such a way that it could describe the unstable evolving universe; and this was verified by astronomical observations of Hubble's law. (12)

The problem of the eternity of the universe was empirically decided by Penzias and Wilson, whose 1964 discovery of background radiation as the remnant of the Big Bang earned them a Nobel Prize in 1978. The standard theory of the Big Bang is theologically important, for it tells us on empirical grounds that the universe is spatially finite though it has no boundaries; that the universe has a history spanning about eighteen billion years; and that the material structure of the universe has been formed in the process of its expansion. (13) It i s noteworthy that the method of relativistic cosmology is characterized by the idea that the topology of space-time is inseparable from the gravitational field. The universe as a whole must be taken into consideration because of the gravitational field which makes the idea of an isolated physical system untenable.


Moreover, the topological thinking of relativity physics demands that the concepts of spatial distance and temporal duration be modified in such a way that they become frame-independent measurable quantities, to be reconsidered in terms of four dimensional space-time. There is a sense in which we can say that Big Bang which occurred eighteen billion years ago is nearer to us than the events we read about in yesterday's newspaper---if, that is, we can define "nearness" in terms of the four-dimensional distances of relativistic cosmology. The fact that we can now observe evidence of the Big Bang in Penzias and Wilson's background radiation means that the beginning of the universe can be located on the backward light cone at a zero distance from the here-present event. We may say that the relativistic cosmology, through combining Riemann's idea of the non-Euclidean manifold of space-time with empirical evidences, has answered the first antinomy of Kant's transcendental dialectics in such away that the universe has a temporal beginning, that it is spatially finite in spite of having no boundaries, and that it is now expanding itself in the cosmological history. Although we have evidences of the past singularity of the Big Bang, we cannot have such a direct evidence of the future singularity of the Big Crunch as the global "death" of the universe. Concerning the future of the universe, we have not empirical evidences enough to predict whether the universe has a temporal end or not. The "birth" problem of the universe, however, seems inseparable from the "death" problem because we can have empirical evidences of the black hole which can be considered as a local "death" of the universe. The existence of the black hole which relativistic cosmology predicts would give us essential informations concerning theoretically the life-death problem of the universe. Rejecting the idea of the eternal universe, modern physics has solved another paradox concerning the "heat death" of the universe.


In 1865 Clausius predicted on the basis of the cosmological formulation of the two laws of thermodyanamics; the entropy as the measure of disorder of the universe will increase to the maximum-thermodyanamic equilibrium, whereas its energy always remains constant. (14) This prediction was paradoxical. If the universe is eternal in the sense of the conservation law of mass and energy, why did it not reach to the state of maximum entropy long ago? And if the universe has a beginning in time, what or who "wound up the clock" of cosmic maximum complexity and order in the beginning? Such a concept of deus ex machina would be formidable both to scientists and theologians.

After the discovery of the Big Bang , physicists began to reconsider Clausius' cosmological formulation of thermodyanamics. According to our best scientific understanding of the primieval universe, it does seem as though it began in the simplest state of all and that the currently observed complex structures and elaborate activity only appeared subsequently. Clausius thought that the evolution of the universe from simplicity to complexity would be impossible and the "heat death" would be an inevitable result. Certainly, the second law of thermodynamics requires that the order of any closed system should give way to disorder, so that complex structures tend to decay to a final state of disorganized simplicity. Therefore, if the universe as a whole is a closed system, the evolution of the universe from simplicity to complexity would be impossible and the "heat death" would be an inevitable result. The fact of creative evolution means that the universe cannot be a closed system. As there is nothing outside of the universe, we must say that the universe as the totality of beings is open to nothingess. This paradox of "open wholeness", the apparent conflict of the creative evolution of the universe with the second law has only recently been solved.

According to Paul Davies, Fan Li Zhi, and other physicists, the coupling of thermodyanamics and the cumulative effects of universal gravity opens the way to the injection of order into cosmic material by the cosmological gravitational field . ( 15 ) The expanding universe can generate order in the cosmic material itself, thus preventing thermodynamic equilibrium. Moreover, the expansion of the universe should be considered as a continuous creation of space rather than as its scattering of material beings into empty space as the ready-made framework. The universe as a whole can be an open system through its spontaneous generation of order in cosmic material during its dynamic expanding process.

Tanabe argued from philosophical reasons in Dialectics of Relativity Physics that relativity physics contains contradictions which cannot be solved in its own terms unless it is integrated with quantum physics. (16) Both relativity and quantum theories can provide only partial descriptions of the universe; the former deals with the extremely macroscopic whereas the latter with the extremely microscopic aspects of the same universe. In 1970 Penrose and Hawking mathematically proved that the Big Bang as well as the black hole are inevitable results of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Relativistic cosmology is considered by them to be incomplete for the explanation of the life-death problem of the universe; it must be complemented by quantum physics because there seems to have been "the coincidence between maximum and minimum" both in the beginning and end of the universe. By a simple application of quantum mechanical principles, it is estimated that, at scales of 10-33 cm and durations shorter than 10-43 second, general relativity will have to be supplemented by a theory that correctly handles the quantum effects of the very early universe. It is in this domain of quantum cosmology that we seem to confront what may be called the ultimate paradox of physics: why are there beings rather than nothing at all?

In 1982 the Russian physicist Alex Vilenkin launched a relativistic quantum theory of cosmogenitum ex nihilum in his paper, titled "Creation of Universes from Nothing". (17) The American physicist Heinz Pagel commented on Vilenkin's idea of Nothingness as the earliest state of the universe: (18)

The Nothingness "before" the creation of the universe is the most complete void that we can imagine --- no space , time , or matter existed . It is a world without place , without duration or eternity. . . .Yet this unthinkable void converts itself in the plenum of existence ---a necessary consequence of physical laws. Where are these laws written into the void? It would seem that even the void is subject to law, a logic that existed prior time and space.

Vilenkin's answer to the fundamental paradox of physics might well be characterized as saying that there is something rather than nothingness because nothingness is creative. He used an analogy of nothingness between the creation of the universe from nothingness before its inflationary expanding stage on the one hand and the pair-creation of a particle and its anti-particle from nothingness on the other, the latter of which we can confirm as a "quantum tunneling effect" in experiments. Instead of "Nature abhors a vacuum", the view of the new physics suggests, "The vacuum is all of physics" ; everything that ever existed or can exist is already potentially there in the vacuum as the place of nothingness. Physicists came to this remarkable view of the nothingness by way of a deeper understanding of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the existence of anti-matter. (19)

The cosmogenituln ex nihilum in relativistic quantum physics does not imply that there is any concept of time in which the universe did not exist before a certain instant and then came into being. Real time is defined only within the universe, and doesnot exist outside it. The creation of the universe from nothingness as a tunneling quantum effect at the minimum radius was described through an imaginary time, which the "no boundary proposal" for the quantum state postulates.

As Stephen Hawking has emphasized, to ask what happened before the universe began is like asking for a point on the Earth at 910; it just is not defined. (19) In what way should we realize the creative nothingness of quantum relativistic cosmology? We cannot consider it as absolute nothingness because we must still grant the existence of a body of pre-existing laws of nature in order to explain the cosmogenitum ex nihilum in scientific terms. The topos of nothingness from which the universe is created, in which the expanding universe is open, must be more primordial than space-time. This topos cannot be space-time without matter because space-time as well as matter have been created in the beginning. The Whiteheadian concept of the extensive continuum as the receptacle of creativity would give an important philosophical suggestion concerning how to realize this primordial place of nothingness. Whitehead characterizes the extensive continuum as below: (20)

The extensive continuum expresses the solidarity of all possible standpoints throughout the whole process of the world. It is not a fact prior to the world; it is the first determination of the order---that is, real potentiality---arising out of the general character of the world. In its full generality beyond the present epoch, it does not involve shapes, dimensions, or measurability; these are additional determinations of real potentiality arising from our cosmic epoch.

The Big Bang cosmology which has recovered the solidarity of the whole universe needs the concept of nothingness both as the receptacle which is more fundamental than the four dimensional space-time manifold on the one hand, and as creative activity which makes the universe evolve in this receptacle on the other. Creativity in the topos of nothingness is the principle which makes it possible for the universe to exist as an "open wholeness."



  1. d'Espagnat, B., Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, W.A. Benjamin, Inc., Chapter 8 (1976).
  2. Finkelstein, D., "Matter, space, and logic" in Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, v, 199-215 (1964).
  3. Einstein, A., Tolman, E.C., Podolsky, B., "Knowledge of Past and Future in Quantum Mechanics", Physical Review, 34, 780-781 (1981).
  4. Wheeler, J.A., "Law without law", in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Wheeler, J.A., and Zurek, W.H., Princeton University Press, 182-213 (1983). ed. by Shimony, A., "Quantum Physics and the Philosophy of Whitehead", in Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 2, 307-30 ( 1965).
  5. Daneri, A., Loinger, A., Prosperi G M "Further remarks on the relations between statistical mechanics and quantum theory of measurement Nuovo Cimento, 48B, 144-151 (1967). 1190128 (1966). J.M. Wigner, Jauch, J.M., Yanase M "Some comments concerning measurements in Quantum mechanics", Nuovo Cimento, 44B,
  6. X.Fustero & E.Verdauer, "Standard Big-Bang Cosmology", in Foundations of Big-Bang cosmology, ed.by F.W. Meyerstein, World Scientific, 1987, pp.29-140.
  7. S. Weinberg, "The First Three Minutes", Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, 1987.
  8. 300 Years of Gravitation, ed. by S. W. Hawking & W. Israel, Cambridge University Press , 1987 .
  9. G. W. Leipniz, Principles of Nature and of Grace, founded on Reason in "Leipniz : Philosophical Writings", translated by Mary Morris,, Everyman's Library, p.26.
  10. M. Heidegger , An Introduction to Metaphysics, translated by Ralph Manheim, Yale University Press, 1959, pp. 1-51 .
  11. Einstein, "Kosmologlsche Betrachtung zur allgemeine Relatiivitats theorie", S.B.Preuss. Akad. Wiss.,1917, pp. 142-152
  12. Freedmann, "άber die Krummung des Raumes", Zeitschr.Phys. , 10, l922,
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  13. P. Davies, God and the New Physics, Penguin Books, 1984, pp.25-44.
  14. R. Clausius, Ann.Phys. Vol.125,1865,p.353., cited in Order our of Chaos,
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  15. P. Davies,op.cit.,pp.44-57. Fan Li Zhi anci Ll Shu Xian, Creation of the Universe, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. , 1989, Chap.6.
  16. The Complete Works of Hajime Tanabe, 12:371-402., Chikuma Shobo , Tokyo, 1964
  17. Vilenkin, "Creation of Universes from Nothing", Physics' Letters, 1982, pp. 25-28 .
  18. H.R. Pagels, Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1985, p.347.
  19. H. R. Pagels , The Cosmic Code : Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature, Penguin Books, 1986, pp.252-256.
  20. Whitehead, Process and Reality, corrected edition, p.66, Free Press, 1979